Happy First Birthday baby boy!
I cannot believe that you are a year old. You are the sweetest, smartest, most well behaved baby. I think you resemble both your Daddy & I equally. You are definitely a boy, such a difference from your sister. Whereas Sissy clung to Daddy, you cling to Mommy. I love every minute of it too =).
You aren't walking yet but you are trying. You will take a step here or there but you still prefer to crawl or cruise. You love eating EVERYTHING! I really haven't found anything you don't like, you even gave peas a second try and seemed to enjoy them for the most part. You prefer to feed yourself but will tolerate Mommy feeding you your oatmeal. Thanks for that! You are also still breastfeeding. My goal was a year and now that we are there I am going to take it day by day. I really don't have a desire to stop anytime soon so I will let you decide.
You love expressing yourself with your voice. You yell and talk a lot. I don't understand everything you can say but I have heard -Mama, Dada, Papa, baba, baby, ball, Pooh & bye-bye. You are very smart little boy. You know your house well, you know where you can & cant go. When you venture into the "Jaysen Not Allowed" zones you look at me and smile. You know your not allowed there Jay! When I ask where your ball is - you get it for me. When I ask where your drum is you crawl as fast as possible and grab it for me. Such a good boy you are baby. I think Sissy is your favorite. She can do the simplest of things and you crack up! She is rough on you but you don't seem to mind. Mommy does but I guess I will have to get used to it. I keep telling her that one day you are going to get her back!
This past year has been fantastic. You have changed our whole family and opened our eyes to a lot of things that we were blind to. We are so blessed to have you in our lives Jaysen. We all love you so much. Happy First Birthday buddy!

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