Yep, thats a bear, just chilling out by the dumpster. I was just standing there pumping gas, minding my own business when I overheard the person behind me say "Look - a bear!". Well you know I had to grab my camera. Im pretty sure it was still a baby and honestly it was more interested with rolling around & going through the dumpster so I felt ok with snapping some shots. Well more like 100+ but its not like you see a bear in the wilderness everyday!
Vanessa was soooooooo excited. This was actually the second bear we had seen in as many days. The other bear was on the side of the road when I drove past it. I saw it run across the road in my rear window but by the time I turned around to find it again it was gone. You know I wasn't going to let that happen again!
Pretty cool right!

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