My little man is 10 months old already, we are in double digits here people! I might be a tad late (OK, so he's 12 days away from the 11 month mark) but better late than never right! I cannot believe that in 2 short months Jay will be a year old. I know it is so cliche but the first year really does FLY BY. I still feel like he should be this tiny little baby but he is far from it. Here is what he is doing this month:
- Will pull up to stand on just about anything, stable or not. His favorites are the couch, my leg and the hanging towel in the kitchen (love that last one).
- Loves saying "nooooooo" to everything. By "saying" I mean shaking his head of course.
- Is really into eating, if you have food you best believe he will make it known that he wants some. He will stop whatever it is he is doing and make a beeline towards anyone eating anything.
- Speaking of food, he LOVES watermelon. Its his favorite this month.
- Is really trying to talk. So far he's not saying much but I can tell he is just bursting at the seams with things to talk about.
- Starting to stand on his own for a handful of seconds at a time.
- Waves at everyone he sees (sooooo cute).
- Blows raspberry's on everything. My arm, the sliding glass door, the dog.
- Bites me and it hurts! Those little chompers break skin sometimes!
- Gives high five.
- Loves giving mommy kisses, they are wet and slobbery and I LOVE THEM!
- Has a total of 5 teeth now. The two bottom ones, two top ones and one canine popping in.
- Will entertain himself now. Its the cutest thing, he will go off on his own to his little play area and just start playing. So sweet.
- Is still nursing like a champ, 10 months and going strong.
Happy 10 monthiversary buddy. We love you xoxoxo

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