Vanessa: Mommy can I have a drink?
Me: Yes honey, you can have some water.
Vanessa: But I don't want water.
Me: Too bad honey, its good for you.
Vanessa: Mommy can I have a drink?
Me: Yes, you can grab a bottle of water.
Vanessa: Uggggh I HATE water Mommy!
Me: Too bad.
Vanessa: Mommy Im thirsty.
Me: Ok, I will get you some water.
Vanessa: Can I have some lemonade?
Me: No water is good for you, have some water honey.
You get the point....moving on.
Vanessa: Im thirsty, can I have an air sip of your water?
Me: Really honey, I just poured you a glass of milk to drink with your breakfast.
Vanessa: Oh, really. I kind of want water.

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