Thursday, January 28, 2010

Diapers are full of more than just poop!

(photo credit:
As a mother I really strive to be as green as possible. My latest adventure in the green direction was diapers. Now I know that cloth diapering is the green way to go. I don't think its for me though, I mean, I have a stand up washer & dryer so I can pretty much wash one sock and one shirt at a time. My life already revolves around wash as it is and has caused my hallway to become one big obstacle course. To get to the bathroom you have to hop over the whites, go around the towels & jump through the colored pile. I think if I had to wash diapers my son would be going commando a lot - which would only lead to more wash inevitably. So you get the drift, I choose disposables.

Now before my little investigation I used Pampers. Why not right? They are pretty much the most recognizable diapers out there, even the hospitals use them so they must be good right! WRONG! After my poor little 4 month old son developed a rash I started looking into what goes into the diaper making process.  Have you ever found little clear jelly-like crystals on your child while changing their diaper? Yeah that stuff is made of a chemical absorbent called sodium polyacrylate. Sounds safe right? Now I'm not an expert but just Google it & come up with your own opinions. I did know that it sounded like something I wanted to keep from coming in contact with my sons skin 24/7 until he's potty trained. I also found that most diapers are bleached using chlorine gas. This is a known carcinogen, wait....what? A cancer causing chemical in diapers? Uhhhh, looks like I might just be confined to the washing machine until my son is potty trained. I cant knowingly cover that cute little tush with all this crap!

Then I came across my saving grace - Seventh Generation Chlorine Free Diapers.  Now at first glance you think - "Uhm, what the heck is wrong with these diapers? They are brown!" Yes people this is what most diapers look like before they are bleached with toxic chemicals. They also lack any cute little logo promoting some cartoon character. They are just plain, brown diapers. Once you get past the look I think you will be pleasantly surprised! They are non-toxic, fragrance and latex free and hypoallergenic. They are also pretty reasonably priced, if not the same price as the competition. I know that is still doesnt compare to cloth diapers but I think its definitely a step in the right directions. Thanks Seventh Generation for giving us a safer option!

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