So no posts in September yet huh? Can you tell homeschooling has started? I figured I would see if Miscellany Monday can get me back into the groove of things!
1. Things have been busy to say the least. Homeschooling is going rather well, just a big adjustment from our glorious carefree summer. Vanessa is doing well with our schedule and actually seems to be enjoying herself and learning along the way. Imagine that! Maybe one day I will actually have time to post our schedule and curriculum. There are some days I comethisclose to losing my mind but that comes with the territory. Its all for a good cause.
2. I have kind of been down lately. I think it might just be the monotony of everyday life, with a little bit of PMS thrown in. It doesn't help that I haven't been walking either. I used to walk 2 miles at least 3 times a week and now I am down to 0. I think it has taken a toll on my well being. I love my life and wouldn't change much (I really want a house and new car) but I realized I am very blessed with what I have already. This too shall pass, I think mommy just needs a day out, by herself. I'll let you know how that one works out - wish me luck!
3. On a more exciting note, a certain someone has started walking! Jaysen is all over the place and it is the.cutest.thing.ever! I love seeing him walk around the corner like "Hey Mom! Just wanted to see what you were doing" Love it! I haven't let him walk in "public" yet cause I'm afraid he will still drop on all fours in the middle of the store and just start crawling everywhere. I will give him a little time, plus he hasn't quite mastered getting up on his own so he would definitely crawl till he finds something to pull up on.
4. Rob and I just celebrated another anniversary. We have two, the first time we got together ever (when I was 17!!!!!) was 9.15.97. Being teenagers we kind of bounced back and forth for the next two years and them officially got back together 9.3.99. We've been in it for the long haul ever since. We never got married (and probably never will) so those dates both really mean a lot to us. Were entitled to two days to celebrate right? Why not!
5. Fall is here in the North East. I love fall. Like seriously love it. I love the leaves, and the pumpkins, and the apple picking, and the sweaters with boots, I love the crisp fall air, I love drinking tea and eating apple cider donuts, I love fall decorating, I love Halloween and trick or treating and watching scary movies. I mean seriously, doesnt it sound great! I always wanted to live someplace warmer (I dont get along with snow) but I really think I would miss the seasons. Especially my beloved fall.
6. Back to reality, not so fun news. My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Her mother (my great-grandmother) had it and we all knew it was coming but it is still hard none-the-less. She lives 3 hours away from me so I really feel useless being so far away from her. She needs to move into a nursing home asap because she lives on her own and its just not feasible for her anymore to take care of herself. When something like this happens in life it makes you stop and just look around. One one hand my son is just beginning life, learning new things every day, everything is so fresh and new and exhilarating. Then you have my grandmother who has already lived her life. Soon she will forget her name, forget my face, not be able to feed herself. Then there is me - in the middle watching it all. I just really want to enjoy life because it really does fly by. Give everyone you know a hug, tell them you love them and just be happy. That's all its really about right?
Hope everyone has a great week. I am going to make the best of what I have (which is A LOT) and get out of this funk. Tata for now!